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Welcome to Rin Arts Studio, where creativity knows no bounds! At Rin Arts Studio, we strive to cultivate a community where imagination thrives and artistic expression flourishes. Through our diverse range of classes, workshops, and events, we aim to empower individuals of all ages to explore their creative potential and discover the joy of working with clay.

Instructor Rin

Rin Cutter, the visionary behind Rin Arts Studio, brings over two decades of experience and passion to her craft. Her journey with clay began over 22 years ago, guided by a deep-seated love for artistic expression. Rin's dedication to her artistry led her to train under esteemed mentors such as Linda Speranza, Barry Barns, Jan Peterson, Robin Hopper, Tom Coleman, Tom Kerrigan, Bai Ming, Xio Ping, and Steven Hill. Each instructor imparted invaluable wisdom and techniques, shaping Rin's unique approach to clay sculpting, throwing, and hand-building.

Beyond her studio walls, Rin finds fulfillment in her roles as a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Family has always been at the heart of her journey, providing love, support, and endless inspiration. With her rich background in various artistic mediums, Rin brings a wealth of knowledge and creativity to Rin Arts Studio, enriching the artistic experiences of all who enter its doors.

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